Jersey Driving

Many of the 350 miles of roads in Jersey are narrow, there are special rules, and not all the roadsigns will be familiar to a visitor to the island.

In Jersey, we drive on the left hand side. Take precautions as many of the roads are quite narrow and twist and turn between the fields and farms. The maximum speed limit throughout the entire Island is 40 mph/64 kms per hour.


Filters in Turn

Some junctions have filter in turn on a sign and painted on the road. At these junctions all directions have equal priority and you should take your turn through the junction.

These are also usually box junctions, so you must not enter the box unless your exit is clear.


Yellow Lines

Yellow stop lines
A yellow line across the exit of a minor road means STOP and give way to traffic on the bigger road you are about to enter. An arrow gives warning of the line ahead.

Yellow no stopping lines
A single yellow line painted along the side of the road means that vehicles must not stop other than to avoid an accident.

Max speed 40mph

In addition to the above general speed limit, you should also be aware of slower limits on certain stretches of road, such as 20/30mph (32/48km) in built up areas and 15mph/24km in Green Lanes.

Remember, however, that these are maximum speeds, not recommended speeds and in many places a much lower speed is necessary for safe driving. You'll find that driving in any of the Channel Islands is much like the greener parts of the South West of England for example.



Paycards are used to pay for parking throughout Jersey with the exception of the, airport and waterfront car parks where a pay upon exit scheme is operated. In car parks the charge is variable - see the notice board at the entrance of each car park for details of the tariff. You can buy paycards in shops, garages or from hire-car companies the car ferry or Jersey Tourism. They are available in three denominations - 1 unit, 2 units and 4 units. These are available as individual units or in books of ten. You must have paycards with you when you park .



When you arrive at your parking place, decide how long you may need and scratch off five panels - DAY, DATE, MONTH, HOUR, MINUTES (to next five minutes) to show your time of arrival.

When using more than one single unit paycard, scratch off each one identically, ie: if staying three hours scratch off three cards.

Display the validated paycards by placing them face-up on the dashboard so that all the details on each card displayed can be clearly seen from outside the vehicle. You will also find full instructions on the reverse of each paycard.

Jersey Car Insurance

Car insurance is one of those things that we all have to do as it is required by law - it's not optional. Here’s a simple guide to buying car insurance in Jersey. We know you want to be adequately covered if you get in an accident but you don't want to pay any more than you have to so read on.

What insurance cover do you need in Jersey?

There are three basic kinds of car insurance policy sold in Jersey. To be legal on the roads, you need the minimum Third Party policy. This pays out if the way you drive injures someone or damages their property.

The next step up is Third Party Fire and Theft which is the same as basic minimum cover but covers you if your car is destroyed by fire or is stolen.

Finally, a Comprehensive policy which covers both the liability you may incur to third parties and most of your own loss and/or damage.

People in the UK have long been able to sit at home and compare rates and online . Well now you can get a quote and buy online at Jersey Car Insurance online at its a simple process that only takes 5 minutes and you can now do it in the comfort of your Channel Islandhome. What's more, you can even print out your own documents ther and then including your window display (WID)!